"Worthy. When you get to know Pedro Siratz and the things in life that drive him that’s what you take with you: he's worthy of it all.
Breaking away from the conventional is for him a dogma, but it was only when he left the place he calls home and took a different path that I believe Pedro the Man found Pedro the real Artist.
If school and work give one tool to build and improve one-self, it is the people one meets who make the journey real and meaningful.
Pedro’s journey is an expression of what matters to him and his work is a guide into it; a combination of ideas and feelings reflecting his creative, conscious and hyperactive mind.
Learning with Pedro is a unique experience and it’s only a matter of time for him that the moments he craves and envisions to become a reality.
For the learner everyday is an opportunity to create, experiment and start again until you feel comfortable with yourself and your body of work.
There are endless possibilities. Pedro can help you discover them all.
Tatiana Monteiro
Writer and project worker.